Honor Societies
National Junior Honor Society
Once invited, students will have 3-4 weeks to submit their application to our NJHS advisor by the determined deadline. Applications will not be accepted past the deadline, which will be included in the invitation letter.
Applications must be signed by the student and a parent, acknowledging that applying for NJHS does not guarantee acceptance.
Student applications must include:
A five paragraph essay that outlines how the student exemplifies the NJHS pillars of scholarship, leadership, character, service and citizenship (Details on these pillars will be provided in the invitation)
Proof of at least 5 hours of community service
A recommendation letter from a non-related adult (coach, teacher, etc.).
Once applications are received, a five member faculty council will review them and vote on who will receive membership. Students will be informed via letter on their acceptance status. Students who are not selected will be told in person and provided with an explanation for the decision. Students who are not accepted can try again the following year.
Accepted students are required to attend the NJHS Induction Ceremony which takes place at 7:00pm on a Monday night in March. Exact date will be provided with invitation. This is a mandatory event.
Once in NJHS, students will attend bi-monthly meetings during lunch and recess and be required to participate in an independent service project and at least one group service project with our chapter. Existing members must also attend the induction ceremony to welcome new members.
Members who fail to represent the standards of NJHS by violating any of the five pillars or failing to meet chapter attendance and GPA requirements will receive one warning. If the student does not improve, they will go before the faculty council, who then may vote to revoke their membership status.
If a student transfers to another school that also has a chapter of NJHS, they are automatically a member in their new school pending completion of the correct paperwork.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact NJHS advisor.
National Junior Art Honor Society Vision
Students of all ages benefit from comprehensive, balanced, and sequential learning in the visual arts, led and taught by qualified teachers who are certified in art education. Art educators meet ethical and rigorous standards of excellence in preservice preparation, ongoing professional development, pedagogy, and inquiry in the field. School-based visual arts instruction surpasses national, sate, and community resources. The power of the visual arts to enrich human experience and society is recognized and celebrated throughout the world.
The purpose of the chapter shall be to:
Inspire and recognize those students who have shown outstanding ability in art
Foster excellence and a dedicated spirit to the pursuit of art
Further creative abilities and talents of the Society members, as well as the school’s entire
student art enrollment
Aid members in working-toward the attainment of their highest potential in an art area
Bring art to the attention of the school and community
Increase an awareness of art in relation to other areas of the school curriculum
Further aesthetic awareness in all aspects of the school’s total program